Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ellis Island

Today we visited Liberty Island and Elis Island. After going through security checks (ug) we proceeded to the ferry that would take us to Elise Island. The trip took a very short time. It was amazing to see the buildings that had been there for hundreds of years. The structure was breath taking and then imagining the crowd of people immigrating to the US was even more amazing. The museum had audio recordings of peoples journal entries of about their experiences. There were sound effects as if we were there. It was as if we were part of one of the most important parts of our nations history. Then we went to Liberty Island. WOW. It was amazing to see the giant copper statue standing watching New York. What it represented was still visible. We took a loop around the Statue. Each new angle made me awestruck. The complicity of the Statue is impossible to explain. The ferry ride back took a while. I got to spend the ride back standing by the railing with friends, feeling the wind blowing against us. (picking up our windbreakers making them flap around) And that was just one part of our unbelievable day.

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